Dictionary >> Rules Examples
Plural Rules
- A plural word represents more than one of something.
- examples: people, places, & things
- The opposite of a plural word is a singular word.
–s, –es Rules- Most nouns can become plural by adding the letter –s.
- example: The plural of cat is cats
- Words ending with –ch, –s, or –x usually need an –es to be plural.
- examples: boxes, masses, & churches
’s Rules- We add ’s when making letters plural.
- example: Do you know your ABC’s?
- example: I got all A’s.
- We add ’s when creating the plural of a word that refers to itself.
- example: You have too many and’s in this sentence.
Acronym Rules- Acronyms become plural by adding an s.
- examples: URLs, BRBs, RFPs, PMs, BFs, GFs
- Acronyms ending with –s need ’s to be plural.
- example: SOS’s, OS’s, GLASS’s
Exceptions- Not all words follow these rules. There are many exceptions in the English language.
- example: singular: child // plural: children
- example: singular: deer // plural: deer
- example: singular: goose // plural: geese
- example: singular: nucleus // plural: nuclei
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Dictionary >> Rules Examples
Plural Examples
All of the words below are plural:
- schools
- classes
- books
- children
- examples
- shows
- skates
- deer
- SOS's
- geese
- teachers
- classmates